
No Sugar Tonight de Costalina "Carina"   

Born 2625 days ago, on Dec 12 2017 and 7 years old.

Carina winning her class at Crufts 2020
Blog posts

Shay wins class , Carina and James placed

Time for our favourite show of the year: CRUFTS Shay wins a big mid limit class and shows her little ass of in the bitch challenge.James and Carina both placed 3rd in their yearling and Open class....

James BOB, Carina BOS in the netherlands

It looks like it's always raining cats and dogs when I take James out to the Netherlands... But also great results! We can now call him Dutch Junior Champion Real Daydream Believer De Costalina and he...

BISS for Dylan, RBOS for Carina , 2 new hungarian Champions

Hattrick in Budapest! Clean sweep for our butterflies this week. Dylan won Best of Breed and Carina took Best Opposite sex at the Toy Specialty show. Crazy Shay got a rest day, or should I say that it...

3 European Winners 21 Budapest

If you can dream it, you can do it! 3 european winners today in Budapest! Dylan ---> European Winner '21 with BEST OF BREEDCarine --> European Winner '21 with BEST OPPOSITE SEXShay ---> Jun...

Carina BOB Grand Prix Budapest 21

Great start of the European winner week in Budapest!We only had No Sugar Tonight De Costalina 'CARINA' entered for todays Grand Prix Winner show , judged by Mr Marco Lepasar.  We could not wish f...

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