Dylan Best In Show Crufts 2019

Planet Waves Forever Young Daydream Believers "Dylan"    

Kandyno de Costalina x Now Remember My Name Daydream Believers

Born 3135 days ago, on Jul 20 2016 and 8 years old.

BIS Crufts 19 (UK)
BIS Bath Championship Show 19 (UK)
BIS UK National 19 (UK)
BIS Rijnland cacib 19 (Netherlands)
BIS Zagreb Winner 18 (Croatia)
BIS Zagreb Toy 18 (Croatia)
BIS Benelux Winner Kortrijk 18 (Belgium)
BIS Eurodog Kortrijk 18 (Belgium)
BIS Vasteras 18 (Sweden)
BIS Vasteras Toy 18 (Sweden)
BISS Sunshine State Papillon Club Specialty (USA) 18
BISS Papillon Specialty Belgium 18
Toy Group Winner Swedish Winner show Stockholm 18
First Runner Up Eukanuba World Challenge 19

BEST IN SHOW JUNIOR World Dogshow Leipzig 17

Junior World Winner 17
European Winner 18
American champion
Swedish Champion
Polish Champion
French Champion (pending KC approval)
Croatian Champion
Danish champion (pending KC Approval)
English Champion (pending KC approval)

Half way 2019 ranked number 1 all breeds United Kingdom

Westminster Dogshow 2020, BOS
Westminster Dogshow 2020
Westminster dogshow 2020
Dylan meeting President Trump, New York, 2020
Dylan at Central Station, New York, 2020
Dylan at the Brooklyn Bridge, New York, 2020
Dylan at Times Square, New York, 2020
BIS Amsterdam 2019
BIS Amsterdam Winner 2019
Best in Group Stockholm Winner 2019
BIS Stockholm Winner 2019
BOB Stockholm Winner 2019
BIS Helsinki Winner 2019
Best in Group Helsinki Winner 2019
Helsinki winner, BOB Helsinki, New Finnish Champoion
BIS Dutch Toy Specialty 2019
BIS Dutch Toy Specialty 2019
BOB and new Dutch Champion 2019
BIS UK National
BIS UK National
BIS UK National
BIS UK National
Toy Group Winner UK National 2019
Toy group winner UK National 2019
Dylan BOB, Orlando BOB puppy at UK National 2019
Dylan BOB and Orlando BOB puppy at UK National 2019
Dylan Best of Breed Crufts 2019
Dylan & Orlando
Dylan Best In Show Crufts 2019
Dylan Best In Show Int. Dogshow KV RIJNLAND
Dylan Best In Show Int. Dogshow KV RIJNLAND
Dylan at Eukanuba World Challenge 2019
Dylan Best In Show Crufts 2019
Dylan at Eukanuba World Challenge 2019
Dylan with Tom Mather
Dylan Best In Show Crufts 2019
Dylan ready for EWC 2019
Dylan with Jonathan Ross
Dylan at Jonathan Ross Show
Dylan BOB Fredericia & Danish Champion
Dylan Best In Show Crufts 2019
Dylan Best In Show Crufts 2019
Dylan Best In Show Crufts 2019
Dylan at Eukanuba World Challenge 2019
Dylan at The Jonathan Ross Show
Dylan Best In Group Crufts 2019
Dylan Best In Show Crufts 2019
Dylan and Dan Ericsson
Dylan Best In Show Crufts 2019
Dylan wins BOB Crufts 2019
Dylan playing in our garden
BOB Vasteras Toy Specialty '18
BIS Toy Specialty Vasteras '18
BOB and New Swedish champion at Vasteras Nordic Show
BIS and Swedish champion Vasteras Nordic show
BIS Vasteras Nordic Show
BIS Vasteras Nordic Show
BIS Vasteras Nordic Show
BIS Vasteras Nordic Show
Toy Group Winner Vasteras Nordic Show
BIS Vasteras Nordic Show
Dunkerque Dogshow Group 3 2018
RBIG Genk Dogshow '18
BISS and NEw american Champion Tampa
Group 2 Tampa dogshow

Dylan World Winner 2020 & BOB

Dylan becomes World Winner 2020 with Best Of Breed in Madrid 2022

⭐ DYLAN ✨ BEST IN SHOW ✨ Stockholm Hundmässa 2019 ⭐

DYLAN was BEST IN SHOW at the Stockholm Hundmässa 2019

Dylan BIS Bath 2019

Dylan won Best In Show Bath 2019

Dylan Best In Group Crufts 2019

Dylan wins Best In Group Crufts 2019

Dylan Best In Show Crufts 2019

Dylan wins Best In Show Crufts 2019

Dylan BIG Zagreb Winner 2018




Dylan BOB PCA 2018

Dylan won Best of Breed at Papillon Club of America PCA 2018

Dylan won Junior World Winner

Papillons Junior World Winner at World Dog Show Leipzig 2017

Dylan at Tampa Cluster Dogshow

Dylan at Tampa Cluster Dogshow, Florida 2018

Dylan at Yearling Class Crufts 2018

Dylan at Yearling Class Crufts 2018

Dylan Dog CC Crufts 2018

Dylan Dog CC at Crufts 2018

Dylan BOB at European Dog Show Warsaw 2018

Dylan Best Of Breed at European Dog Show Warsaw 2018
Blog posts

Litters 2025 – Reserve Your Spot at our reservation list

This year, we are excited to plan some beautiful combinations. With great care and dedication, we are expecting 2 litters from our carefully selected Papillons. At this moment, there is still 1 spot...

Nestjes 2025 – Reserveer Jouw Plekje op onze reservatielijst

Ook dit jaar kijken wij ernaar uit om enkele prachtige combinaties te plannen. Met veel zorg en toewijding verwachten wij 2 nestjes van onze zorgvuldig geselecteerde vlinderhondjes. Op dit moment is...

38 World, European , Crufts Winners

We are proud on yet another remarkable achievement! The Daydream Believers/De Costalina Papillons kennel continues to shine brightly on the world stage with an impressive tally of 38 World, European,...

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Met een vlinderhondje als trouwe metgezel wordt vliegen een fladderende ervaring! Deze schattige en compacte honden zijn perfect geschikt om met je mee te reizen in de cabine. Dankzij hun kleine forma...

Interactief spelen

Interactief spel is ontzettend belangrijk voor honden om verschillende redenen: Fysieke activiteit: Interactief spel biedt honden de broodnodige lichaamsbeweging. Het stelt hen in staat om te ren...

Splish Splash

Als hobbyfokker besteden wij veel tijd aan de socialisatie van onze vlinderhondjes pups. Een van de leuke aspecten van deze socialisatie is het wennen aan het nemen van een bad! Van jongs af aan laten...

BISS for Dylan at the Euro papillon specialty

What dreams are made off! After Best In Specialty shows in USA, Sweden, Croatia, The Netherlands , Belgium and Hungary, this one at euro club show in Denmark might be most special with the judges crit...

BOS Westminster 2023

Dylan wins BOS at the 2023 Westminster dogshow judged by Mr Doug Johnson from USA

BISS for Fox

BEST IN SPECIALTY show in Australia for Sex Shooter Daydream Believers 'Fox' and his best friend Dean

Dylan World Winner '20 Madrid

How cool is it to add the World Winner title 2020 and Spanish championship title to his impressive list! Thank you to our breed judge Adrian Landarte for pointing our way when handing out th...

BOB and BOS World Dogshow Madrid '20

We just did the double Father and daughter just became World Winner 2020 judged today by Mr Adrian LandarteMulti Ch Planet Waves Forever Young Daydream Believers 'DYLAN'The Villainess Daydre...

Dylan European Winner '22 Paris

Yesterday he was a tourist at the Tour Eiffel, today a showdog on the catwalk.Feeling humbled and proud! Today Dylan wins his 4th European Winner title in a row with BEST OF BREED!!!Being in Paris, th...

Fox BOB at Sydney Royal

Fantastic news to wake up to... Sex Shooter Daydream Believers 'FOX' went toy group 3 at Sydney Royal in Australia at his very first time out at the show!Breed and group judged by Mr Keith Brown&...

Dylan BIS PARIS dogshow

With the fantastic BIS judge Mr Laurent Pichard ! Thank you to the group judge me Patrick Dewaele for sending Dylan in that beautiful final lineup of 10 dogs!Absolutely delighted t...

BISS for Dylan, RBOS for Carina , 2 new hungarian Champions

Hattrick in Budapest! Clean sweep for our butterflies this week. Dylan won Best of Breed and Carina took Best Opposite sex at the Toy Specialty show. Crazy Shay got a rest day, or should I say that it...

3 European Winners 21 Budapest

If you can dream it, you can do it! 3 european winners today in Budapest! Dylan ---> European Winner '21 with BEST OF BREEDCarine --> European Winner '21 with BEST OPPOSITE SEXShay ---> Jun...

Jackie New American Champion

Fun news reaching us from the sunshine state where Reete Petite De Costalina 'JACKIE' went back to the ring and won another 4 point major and BOS at Plant City judged by Terry Berrios ! Way to go owne...

Dylan World Winner '21 Brno

Party People throw your hands in the air... Slap some skin like you do care! Dylan just became World Winner '21 with BEST OF BREED and making it that extra special it was awarded by breed specialist M...

Dylan new Luxembourg Champion

I almost couldn't sleep from excitement to go in the ring today, 21 years ago i competed at International junior handling competition at crufts judged then by Mrs Carla Molinari from Portuga...

Dylan new German Champion

we have a brand new GERMAN CHAMPION!!! Multi ch. Planet Waves Forever Young Daydream Believers 'DYLAN' won CAC/CACIB and BEST OF BREED at international dogshow Ludwigshafen judged by Mrs Linda Re...

Westminster Dogshow 2020

Excited to share that Dylan won BOS at the prestigious Westminster Dogshow, judged by Mr Mark Kennedy (USA)

New York, New York

Every city needs it's Villain! Dylan the villain visiting New York City

BIS Amsterdam Winner 2019

After he did it this spring in the UK, winning 3 BEST IN SHOWS in a row at the biggest english shows, Dylan did it again!!! Another hattrick for the little villain!  Winning Helsinki Winner (750...

BIS Stockhilm winner 2019

Dreams do come true!  After winning toy group at Stockhilm winner in 2018, we decided to return to this simply breathtaking show! and we DID it!!! Dylan won BOB under toy specialist Mr David Guy...

BIS Helsinki Winner 2019

It had been some years now since our team has travelled to Finland, what better moment to do so than for the most prestigious and one of the biggest european shows: HELSINKI WINNER SHOW.From what we h...

BIS Dutch Toy Specialty 2019

Time to take Dylan back to the Netherlands!  Today he completed his Dutch Championship title in big style winning BEST IN SHOW! Breed was judged by Mr Wachter (GE) and BIS was judged by Mr Boela...

BOB and BOS and Group2 at Leuven International Dogshow

We have a brand new BELGIAN champion! Winning the champion class, CAC and CACIB, BOB and later GRoup 2 for Multi Ch. Planet Waves Forver Young Daydream Believers 'DYLAN' Also our young champion bitc...

Bundessieger Show Dortmund 2019

Fabulous second day in Dortmund today! 1st in Champion males: Dylan won another BEST OF BREED, is newest Bundessieger '19 and added two more german CAC's.  This weekend he also finished his INTE...

Cleensweep at Dortmund Herbstieger Show

4 dogs entered to the Dortmund Herbstsieger show, to be judged by toy specialist mr Dusan Paunovic.  And no doubt the butterflies made us proud. 1st place Champion males with CAC, CACIB, BEST OF...

Dylan 1st Runner Up at Eukanuba World Challenge 2019

It doesn't happen a lot... But I'm totally speechless...Dylan performed his heart out today and that alone made us the proudest breeders/owners/handler, but as always that little butterfly just had to...

Dylan won BEST IN SHOW CRUFTS 2019

Best in show Crufts 2019Ch. Planet Waves Forever Young Daydream Believers 'DYLAN' Bred by Kathleen Roosens and Jens Goessens (with all the help of Jan Roosens)Owned by Kathleen Roosens, Jens Goessens...

Group 2 for Dylan in Eindhoven

First time out in adult class for Dylan in the Netherlands. Made his debut in style by winning CAC/CACIB and BEST OF BREED judged by Mrs Pamela Runderkamp.Later he took group 2 in a stunning toy linu...

BOB for Dylan in Moeskroen

First Weekend out for Dylan in 2019. Daydream Believers papillons took a great start this weekend by winning BOB and Group 3 judges by Mrs Monique Van Brempt.Dylan has enough belgian CAC's and enough...

Dylan wins Swedish winner and Toy Group at Stockholm

Dylan ended the showyear in biggest style at the prestigious Swedish Winner show in Stockholm. Breed judge Mrs Jenny Miller (UK) had a lovely entry of 90 papillons and Dylan was her BEST OF BREED Ch...

BISS for Dylan at Belgian Papillon Nationals

Lovely day out for the siblings Dylan and Flirt. Today we had the specialty show for papillons, phalenes and griffons. Little flirt for sure was the surprise of the day as she won the CAC and BOS....

RBIS Breeders Group Swedish Winner Stockholm

Only the third time out in the Breeders Group competition for Daydream Believers papillons but yet another great succes! Another time BOB Breeders Group (World Dogshow Leipzig '17 and European Dogshow...

BEST IN SHOW Zagreb Winner for DYLAN

Just what we wanted and mucht more!  It had been some year since our team was at the Zagreb Winner shows and we enjoyed every moment of it! Dylan won both days BOB and is new CROATIAN CHAMPION....

Dylan wins BEST IN SHOW at the Toy Specialty Zagreb

Little belgian papillon scored again!  Today we visited the Toy Specialty show of Zagreb.Judged today by breed specialist from Denmark Mrs Sjong who had only lovely words for our sweet boy Dylan...

Dylan new French Champion

Our team was off to Metz Crufts Qualifiation show! On saturday we had a breed specialty where Dylan won his final point towards his French title. Dylan only showed saturday! Sunday was the french Cr...

Dylan wins double BEST IN SHOW at Eurodogshow and Benelux Winner Kortrijk 18

The most amazing thing just happened at one of the most beautiful belgian dogshows! Dylan didnt only win first day but also the second day BEST IN SHOW!!!!    


We had the most amazing European dogshow 2018 in Warsaw, Poland! 126 papillons entered and judged by Mr Rui OliveiraCh.Planet Waves Forever Young 'DYLAN' won a strong champion class, became EUROPEAN W...

Back to Back BIS's for Dylan in Sweden

The most amazing experience in Sweden!  This weekend we showed at Vasteras Nordic show and Vasteras Toy Specialty.On first attempt and first day he could (he turned 24 months day before the show)...

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